Anonymizing with Whonix

Anonymizing with Whonix


2 min read

Anonymizing with Whonix

Here's my shot at anonymizing my online presence with the help of whonix! Thought I'd document the steps as I'm setting it up in my environment ๐Ÿ˜‡

Whonix protects user anonymity by routing internet connections through Torโ€™s network of volunteer-run servers while deploying advanced security mechanisms. The Linux-based OS, which runs on top of existing systems via virtual machines, can be installed on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

If I see 12, I'm doin 12!


  • Windows host
  • Virtual Box
  • Internet Connection

Getting Whonix


The first step would be to get whonix downloaded and imported into virtual box from here.

Anonymizing with Whonix


Anonymizing with Whonix

Anonymizing with Whonix

Adapter Settings:

Anonymizing with Whonix

Anonymizing with Whonix

Ensure that Adapter 1 is set to NAT or Bridges and Adapter 2 is set to Internal Network [Whonix]

Anonymizing with Whonix

Anonymizing with Whonix


There isn't a whole bunch to do in this section thankfully!


Anonymizing with Whonix

Agree to all the EULAs and select ready to connect to TOR. Then hit yes!

Anonymizing with Whonix

Anonymizing with Whonix

And that should be it....

IP address

on whonix gateway

Anonymizing with Whonix

Now configuring a workstation to point to this "router" should enable tor networking for all online activities!

on workstation (this could be any workstation of yours)

Anonymizing with Whonix

IP = 10.152.152.X Netmask = DNS = ("router")

Now we're all set!


Anonymizing with Whonix

I'm definitely not switching ISPs before querying my IP every time.

Anonymizing with Whonix

And I'm also definitely not from Finland! So that's a success ๐Ÿ˜‡! We are officially anonymous on the net...almost atleast. Once again, only for educational purposes! :)

